I Apologize, Richard

I would like to issue a formal apology to ten-year-old patient Richard Gremsil.

Today, Richard called me fat. He said I had a ‘fat face.’ It rattled me. I can’t stop thinking about it. I acted as though it didn’t hurt, but I’ve been thinking about it all night.

However, as an adult, I realize that despite how much his comment STILL hurts me, it doesn’t justify what I said. I apologize to the Gremsil family, in particular to Richard, for telling him that he had ‘black malaria’ and that his ‘eyes were going to fall out’ before he ‘died like dinosaurs.’ Even though what Richard said was really, really, really, really, hurtful, I shouldn’t have fibbed to him, because he is a child, and apparently children can’t tell when someone is obviously being ridiculous. So, Gremsil family, if you still would like to be our patients, Mark Schuster and Marc Kaye would gladly have you back.


Happy, Schuster?

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