About marckaye

Dentist. Major dude. Total star. I have a kid and a wife. I'm around. I run Mark Marc Mark Family Dentistry with my bros.


We might be the only family dentistry practice in Los Angeles to give discounts for Twitter followers, Tumblr fanatics and fan club members, but we’re not going to let it go to our heads.

We’re going to continue to bring you more hip deals, more fun promotions and be the mORAL leaders in the community that you have come to know and love.  We’ll chew out anybody who doesn’t get the dad-GUM importance of brushing and flossing with MONDAY FUNDAYS, for example.  Or maybe you want to get 10% off your cleaning on TOOTHsday (Tuesday)… Yes, there are tons of things that we have for you.

Remember kids (and adults) at Mark Marc Mark, it’s teeth first… Smile second.

QUICK TIP: Vacations with the Family!?

Vacations are a way to remind you of how nice work is.

QUICK TIP:  Don’t put off that vacation!  Get it out of the way!

Usually I enjoy the idea of a weekend. I like the idea of getting away from it all.  I like the concept of “the end of the week.” But every once in a while I lose the gumption. I lose my zest for going out with the boys.  Some weekends I just want to be not working and not partying (whatever that means) and I just want to be.

Those are the weekends I spend with my family. This weekend is one of those weekends.

After a weekend away with Pam and Sam off at some overpriced hotel doing nothing productive and spending every waking hour trying to make them happy, there is nothing more exciting than waking up on Monday morning and getting back to work.

Thanks to my family I can really appreciate the workweek. It’s because of them that I am inspired to be away from home for days and work on becoming a better dentist.

Hey Pam! Stuck in Traffic! (for my wife)

Who can say no to this?

Hi Pam,

I know you check this when I’m not home on time, so I didn’t bother to call.  I saw on sig-alert that the 110 and 710 were backed up, and I was a little too hungry to wait over a half hour to get all the way home, so I stopped off and got myself a pizza and a pitcher of beer.  Nothing like a nice pepperoni ‘za to ditch the traffic blues. Then I met a few locals and we had some more beers… they said I could crash at their place tonight, but I don’t think I’ll do that, probably have Schuster and Zeidman come pick me up in an hour or so and then we’ll go out or something. LOOKS LIKE ANOTHER MARC KAYE WEDNESDAY!

Just an FYI!  Love ya,

Hubby Marc (the K man)

New Magazines in the Lobby!

Mark Marc Mark always Mans Up!

Once again Mark Marc Mark family dentistry shows our commitment to excellence.  From our state of the art technology in the examination rooms and our magical bedside manner (and sometimes in-bed manner… ZEIDMAN!) we strive to provide the most comfortable, helpful and entertaining dental experience you could hope for.

It should come as no surprise that this includes our strategically furnished and accessorized waiting rooms.  By importing the best read and most socially poignant magazines and periodicals available, Mark Marc Mark hopes to not only make bright beautiful smiles, but also well rounded people.

Come by this week and check out our new Magazines!

Fluoride Friday!

Fluoride Fridays! Bring your friends!

That’s right!  It’s back with a vengeance!  To coincide with the start of the new school year, Mark Marc Mark Family Dentistry is proud to reignite the flame that overtook the world of dentistry in LA county last year: FLUORIDE FRIDAY!

Come on down and get your teeth cleaned and bring a friend! Complimentary fluoride treatments and consultations for new patients and a free fluoride treatment and “quick clean” teeth cleaning for existing patients.

When? Fridays. Seriously. Every Friday until 2011.

Note for Pam


Sorry it's dead!


Hey there,

My beeper died and I left my cell at the office, so I guess you probably know what this means since it’s Thursday and everything.

I’ll see you Saturday at Sam’s game!

Sorry I had to post this on the site, my email is being weird too!

Oh well. Love you!

Your Husband,

Marc (with a c) Kaye

* (Sometimes my beeper just goes on the fritz, Pam’s used to it, but I want to let her know where I am and when she’ll see me again.  She’s my wife, y’know?)